Sunday, December 16, 2012

Supplementary Assessment Posters

According to the feedback from the presentation, I should redesign each spaces and my building structure was too simply. So I have decided redesign it, but more focus on section plan and how to show the use of each space and the quality of the whole building. The main space of this music centre is a performance theatre. There are several mucial exhibition rooms which will show the history of music and the mucial history of Woodford Folk Festival. There is a large screen above the main entrance, it can attract people come into the building when it shows the performance or introduction of exhibitions. I have combined those ideas what I got from all exemplars. I used different colors to show different spaces in 1:100 section plan. The lights, people and interior can show the function of each space. It also has some details of the structure in 1:100 section plan. I focused more on detail structures in 1:50 section plan, and that's why I keep it black and white to easily see the details of each space and each structure.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Supplementary Assessment Exemplar 5

(Peter, 1997, p.84-85)
This is a part of the section of Cite Internationale de Lyon. The reason of choosing it is that it gives me an idea of how to show the details of my theatre room. The detail structures are not very clear, so I will keep mine clearly in my sections, especially the 1:50 section.

Peter, B. (1997). Renzo Piano Building Workshop. London : Phaidon Press.

Supplementary Assessment Exemplar 4

(Peter, 1997, p.65)
This is north-south section of Cy Twombly Gallery which designed by Renzo Piano. Before I found this section, I am not sure how detail the 1:50 section will be. This section shows the detail of the whole structure, even the lights. I will keep this way to draw my 1:50 section plan, and it will be as much details as this section.

Peter, B. (1997). Renzo Piano Building Workshop. London : Phaidon Press.

Supplementary Assessment Exemplar 3

(Peter, 1997, p.55)
This is a cross section of Tate Gallery at Bankside which designed by Renzo Piano in 1995. This section attracted me is how it shows the gallery space and the movement of people inside the buidling. He made a choice to show more details of the spaces he thought are important. I will follow his idea of showing the galleries and the movement of people. I think I will show all details of my building as I believe they are all important.
Peter, B. (1997). Renzo Piano Building Workshop. London : Phaidon Press.

Supplementary Assessment Exemplar 2

This is one of the sections of  the winner of the architecture competition for the new building of the International Dance and Music Centre in city of The Hague, The Nethlerands, among a field of 16 renowned international firms. I do like the way of using different color to show different spaces and function. So I think I will use this idea into my 1:100 section plan, and also they can be the color of the wall in each room.

Jordana , Sebastian. "International Dance and Music Centre / Neutelings Riedijk Architects". Accessed 6 Dec 2012.

Supplementary Assessment Exemplar 1

(Kenneth, 2006, p.238-239)
This is a section plan of Centre Georges Pompidou which designed by Richard Rogers. I like the way how it shows the function and qualiaty of each space by tinctorial people, furniture, inside structure, etc. It brings us a very intuitive feel of the whole building. We can easily know the function and the use of each space. I will imitate the way how it shows the function and qualiaty into my 1:100 section plan.

Kenneth, P. (2006). Richard Rogers - Architecture of the future. Basel, Boston: Birkhäuser.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week 15 Presentation

A1 Summary Poster
Feed back from tutors:
1) I should not think about the buidling form before arranging all the spaces, all spaces need to have their own reason and features.
2) The performance room can be improved
3) The ‘piano opening roof structure' can have some sort of function, not just for 'good looking'
4) I should put more bulding plans in the A1 summary poster